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Optical Coherence Tomography

Discover the future of eye care at Eyecare Specialists with our  Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT technology, this advanced Spectral Domain OCT offers 60-70 times faster image acquisition, ensuring precise and detailed scans while minimising eye movement artifacts. Our commitment to early detection of eye conditions is reflected in our affordable private fee of just £48.00 for an OCT scan. Trust us to provide the cutting-edge technology you need for optimal eye health.

This advanced technology uses Spectral Domain OCT (also known as Fourier Domain), which is significantly faster and more precise than the earlier Time Domain technology. With 60-70 times faster image acquisition, Spectral Domain OCT reduces the impact of eye movement artifacts and offers enhanced depth resolution.

Andrew Matheson is committed to providing the most cutting-edge technology to detect eye conditions as early as possible. To make this accessible, we strive to keep the cost of these services affordable, reflected in our private fee for an OCT scan, which is just £48.00 (see our fee list).

The Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT is a non-invasive imaging tool originally developed to scan the retina, the multi-layered sensory tissue at the back of the eye. It is highly effective at detecting early signs of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), particularly in its early stages when treatment can be most successful.

In addition, the OCT scanner helps visualize the anterior chamber angle structures, essential in diagnosing conditions like Narrow Angle Glaucoma, Plateau Iris Glaucoma, and Pigment Dispersion Glaucoma.

The scanner also allows us to assess the thickness of the Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer near the Optic Disc (Optic Nerve Head). This data provides a baseline for long-term monitoring of early signs of Glaucoma. As Glaucoma progresses, nerve fibers in the optic nerve deteriorate. By using OCT, we can detect these changes far earlier than traditional methods like visual field testing.

We also use the OCT scanner to measure Central Corneal Thickness, which helps assess corneal stiffness. This is critical in accurately interpreting intraocular pressure (IOP) readings, as a thicker cornea can result in artificially elevated IOP readings, while a thinner cornea may mask elevated pressure. Additionally, a thin cornea is an independent risk factor for Glaucoma, as it may leave the Optic Nerve Head more vulnerable to damage.


The Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT's next-generation algorithms provide our optometrists with highly detailed, high-definition maps and images of the macula and retina. These advanced images allow us to make the most accurate diagnoses possible. Another crucial benefit of this technology is its ability to scan layers of the retina that aren’t visible through traditional examinations. This helps us detect conditions like Wet Macular Degeneration, Epiretinal Membrane, and Macular Holes early, often before they become visible through conventional methods.

Since Dry Macular Degeneration can sometimes progress to the more aggressive and treatable Wet Macular Degeneration, regular screening with OCT enables us to detect this change early, allowing for timely and effective treatment.

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